
12 Non-Fiction Books You Need to Read in 2019

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By Ene Elizabeth Adeka

Here is a list of my recommended reads for 2019…from increasing your productivity to how you can break bad habits to creative thinking, one book for every month of 2019; you can never go wrong with this reading list!

1. Outliers

By Malcolm Gladwell

The Book in a Nutshell: Perhaps one of my greatest book of all times, forgive me if the love between Gladwell and I doesn’t gladden your heart well. Outliers is the book if you want to set yourself up for success, feel motivated and inspired to aspire for more and know how to raise a child to be the next Bill Gates.


2. The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter

By Dr. Meg Jay Ph.D.

The Book in a Nutshell: If  “Outliers” were to be Shakespeare in real life, “The Defining Decade” will be Mark Twain and both of these books would share a “cuppa” tea with me while we think about computer-crazy children, lawyers who rose to the top using the 10,000 hour rule and twenty-something year olds living life like thirty year olds.


Dr. Meg Jay does a very wonderful work of taking apart the lives of young adults while helping them see the best days of their lives begin at 20. This book inspired me to write the post “ ADULTING 101: 35 Personal Lessons My 20s Have Taught Me.” It also doubles as my best book of 2018!


3. Bird by Bird: Some instructions on Writing and Life

by Anne Lamott

The book in a nutshell: To become better at writing, you must write more and not be too hard on yourself when first drafts look horrible. All writers have a horrible start.


4. Ignore Everybody; and 39 other keys to creativity

by Hugh Maclead

The Book in a Nutshell: To make a living and share your work with the world, you must find your own voice that sells your unique idea. Only you can market your value no matter how smart other people are.


5. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*uck

by Mark Manson

The Book in a Nutshell: To overcome problems, find meaning in life and live the good life, you need to be more concerned about the things that align with your personal values. Mark Manson teaches you how to not give a f*ck about the unimportant things in life if you don’t mind his language.


6. Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son

by John Graham

The Book in a Nutshell: Successful entrepreneur John Graham offers timely advice in a series of letter to his son throughout the young man’s early and college years. Here is your opportunity to glean from fatherly advice.

I like the advice that says “A good wife doubles a man’s expenses and doubles his happiness, and that’s a pretty good investment assuming the fellow has got the money to invest.”

7. Mastery: The Keys to success and long-term fulfillment

by George Leonard

The Book in a Nutshell: The only shortcut to mastering anything is practice and more practice for the sake of practice itself and not the results.


8. What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There

by Marshall Goldsmith with Mark Reiter

The Book in a Nutshell: The title is already self-explanatory but to fulfill all righteousness, this book argues that what separates the great from the almost great is not skill but behavior. Learn how you can change and want change to complete your journey to greatness.


9. Who Moved My Cheese?

by Spencer Johnson M.D

The Book in a Nutshell: This one is for you if you want to grow and improve on yourself, learn new skills and create a better future by changing what you believe.


10. Create Valuable Online Content In Minutes

by Ene Elizabeth Adeka

The Book in a Nutshell: Most online businesses have difficulties finding the best tools to use for their different platforms. From where you can download royalty-free pictures to awesome apps on Google Play, this free e-book is a compilation of the tools and resources we use here on Black Safaya to enhance productivity and increase efficiency. You can download it here.


11. Reflections of a Man

by Mr. Amari Soul

The Book in a Nutshell: If you have been completely confused about your woman, here is the perfect manual to “What Makes a Woman Feel Loved.” Look elsewhere no more, the answers you seek lie in the heart of this book.


12. Like a Virgin: Secrets They Won’t Teach You In Business School

by Richard Branson

The Book in a Nutshell: From the man who “disvirgined” the sky comes this epic business manual written in a friendly and less business-like manner.

There is a hilarious story in the book where a little girl tells Branson he looks like “That Richard Branson Bloke” and further advice him to go sign up in the look-alike agency. If this doesn’t make you read the book, you have no joy in your life.


It’s a wrap, from January to December we have your mental growth covered. Do you have a reading list for 2019? Share your reading list with fellow bookworms  and stand a chance to win a book courtesy of Black Safaya.

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