Safaya Writers

8 Writing Courses to Take in 2023

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There are many writing courses available in 2023 that you can consider taking. Some options to consider include:

Creative writing courses: These courses can help you develop your skills in fiction, poetry, and other types of creative writing.

Technical writing courses: These courses can teach you how to write clear, concise instructions and documents for a technical audience.

Business writing courses: These courses can help you learn how to write effective business emails, reports, and other documents.

Journalism courses: If you are interested in writing for news organizations or magazines, you might consider taking a course in journalism.

Online writing courses: Many online courses and workshops are available in a variety of writing genres and styles. These can be a convenient way to learn at your own pace and fit learning into your schedule.

Say Goodbye to Mediocre Writing

Writing courses and consistent practice is your way out of mediocre writing.

Some enrol.

Some set goals.

Some, sometimes don’t finish.

I hope you don’t belong to the last category. This year, I intend to take a lot of personal development courses in the area of my craft and to equally help you, I put together this free resource. Now you don’t have an excuse.

Why Writing Courses?

To be honest, I just have one quote for you:

You will only be of much value to others as you have been to yourself.

Writing courses are not boring. An online course may be daunting at first but once you learn to show up each day, you will in no time take home the knowledge and (the certificate).

2023 Writing Courses to Take

Below is a list of writing courses to take in 2023

1. Creative Writing

Wesleyan University via Coursera

Two years ago, I got a scholarship to study the craft of plot in this creative writing specialization. You can enrol for free and begin to learn. It sure honed my creative writing skills. Other courses include craft of character, style and setting.

2. Digital Storytelling

University of Houston, Coursera

We know storytelling will never go out of fashion as it is an effective way to pass across meaningful messages that aim to inspire, educate or convert fans to customers. This certificate will help you write better digital stories.

3. Writing Fiction

Future Learn

Future Learn offers many writing courses in both the paid and free categories. Get started with your own fiction writing, focusing on the central skill of creating characters with this hands-on course.

4. Finding Target Readers

Reedsy Learning

One of the most important things you can do before you launch your book — before you even write it — is to fully understand who you are writing for. This course will deliver 10 free lessons on finding readers to your email every day for 10 days.

5. Writing Dialogue

Reedy Learning

I once had a client who wanted every action to be written. I mean, stuff like, “John looked up, stood up, lifted one leg and then the other, entered the car, started the ignition, reversed…”

Imagine the boredom. Don’t be like that. Enrol in this course. Reedsy has about two writing courses in the Writing Dialogue category.

6. Edit Like a Pro

Reedsy Learning

The ability to self-edit is a skill that needs to be in every author’s tool belt,” says the instructor of this course. You can learn to edit your book and reduce publishing costs. Enrol now and learn from your email.

Reedsy does not offer certificates but you will become better after each course. You can find other writing courses that offer editing tips on Reedsy.

7. Writing What You Know (Nonfiction)

The Open University

Writing nonfiction can be a herculean task…you have to translate your thoughts to reality by exploring a topic, event or subject matter, unlike fiction writing where you can create worlds that don’t exist and still make sense. This course will get you started.

8.  Amazon Ads for Authors

Reedsy Learning

Marketing your book starts the day you begin to write! This course will help you further learn how to get your book out of your house and into the readers’ heads and hands.

With your own collection of books on Amazon, you can build a writing portfolio that attracts clients.

So…that is it guys! Tell me, which one of these writing courses will you enrol for?

Check out our article on Writer’s Block and how to overcome it here.

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Photo from pexels


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