
Co-Pilot: Act Like You’re in Relationship in 2020

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Sometimes you’re the captain and he’s the first officer. Other times you are the first officer and he is your captain. No matter what role you play, on all days, you must be on the same flight.


It’s few days to 2020 and with different shades of advice flying off the handle, wack new year resolutions and wishy-washy words that promise to deliver nothing, it is important you take a deep breath and step away from the madness.

Today, I want to tell you one thing: Everything requires teamwork, from drinking water to having the most enviable of all relationships. So, dear co-pilot, how well have you collaborated with Lady First Officer or Mr. Captain – the captain of your heart?

Behave Like Co-Pilots: A Soft Landing Require Two Heads

Aye Captain!

Imagine an aircraft landing that throws you off balance because one co- pilot refused to collaborate with another. Most airplanes have two pilots in the cockpit and it is not for show, trust me. That big, metallic bird needs all the collaboration possible to lift and land it.

And two flying heads are better than one, I assure you. I am pretty sure if you were to be told that the passenger plane you are about to board has only one pilot on board, you will lunge for the nearest exit. And just in case you want to be a smart ass by saying “Oh! I don’t do passenger planes, I do private jets,” auntie, there’s a control tower they have to effectively communicate with so take several seats at the back and shut up.

Does Your Co-Pilot Know You’re On Another Flight?

Your relationship is your own big mettalic bird a.k.a aircraft. Call it airship. Everyday we venture into the day, week, months, year and even grand plans for our lives without the knowledge of our co-pilots. Maybe I’m old school but think about it: If I buy just a ticket and pack just a luggage for a trip I claim is for two, do I seriously plan on taking you along?

If I shut you out of the cockpit, do I really consider you a teammate? Yet we shut those we claim to love out of our plans. They hear about our trips, business plans and even destiny decisions from others.
If this is your relationship, prayerfully reconsider your choice.

How About Taking Decisions Together?

Think about it.

Don’t look at me…tell me, when was the last time you sat with the love of your life  to take a concrete decision about something fundamentally related to the relationship:

Conflict resolution tactics?
Who should be our friends?
Core values?
Goal setting?

Burden Bearer, Friend and Companion

That’s who you are.
We are called to be fellow burden bearers, friends and companions in a relationship. The journey of life is too long for one person to travel alone. Do not be so enamoured by the daily happenings in your life that you forget to stop and ask your fellow co-pilot where he is headed, how he intends to get there, what you can do to help and whether or not you can board the flight.

Again, woman, do not be so much of a saviour that you forget to stop and ask if he ever puts your needs into consideration as well. After all, what is good for Henry is equally nice for Henrietta. No good man rejects a helping hand especially when it is offered from a genuine heart. You should be so pumped up when he talks about where he is headed in life. Why? Well, you’re his greatest hype woman.

I know Twitterperts (my personal name for busy body females on Twitter) have encouraged you to wear your hard girl evening dress every time and anywhere. But relax those muscles you don’t even have. Man’s hot, man’s cold, man’s need love and affection. In this relationship, you’re his cheerleader. So blow his trumpet. Your mind is dirty. I mean his accomplishments.

And hey! Young man, Sis needs pampering, Sis wants to hear you still find her attractive, Sis wants to know all of you loves all of her, all those curves and dangerous edges, even the perfect imperfections.

Oga! Say it. You will not die.

You should be so fixated on her growth, we call you a gardener. Forget what broken men will call you, great men water their women. So pick that garden hose and get to work. Hard guy, hard guy does not add a dime to your account balance but you see that yeast in compliments, you will buy Benz when she’s done with you.

Now That I’ve Fought Your Battle

Sis, now that I’ve spoken your mind, permit me to remind you that as his woman, he needs you to believe in him and to be his greatest support system. Do not keep quiet when you are supposed to shout his name from the rooftops or you may wake up to find the whole world dancing to the tune he once played for your ears alone. Sadly, it would be too late for him to hear your voice amidst thousands of others. The best time to sing his song is now – when nobody else is doing so.

So who are we?
What do we do?
We support each other!
By our actions, inactions, reactions, impressions affections.

It’s been awesome having you on the 2019 flight, see you when we touchdown runway 2020. Thank you Russia, USA, South Africa and Nigeria – you’re the reason I am a global woman. Lol.

Share with a fellow co-pilot! I just did. Hehe…

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