
Her Thirty-six Daughters

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By Ene Adeka


Walking down the aisle

Dressed in green and white.

You’re fertile but tainted by the dirt

And blood your young men have spilled.

Like a virgin waiting to be declared wife,

You inch closer to when you’d be called wife.

But this onward journey has taken you too long;

From nineteen-fourteen to two thousand and forever

The women have been preparing you.



Dressed in green and white

As black as the nature of Africa,

Your fertile soils lounge lazily

But your back you have refused to bend to till the land.

Carried away by the promises of foreign men,

Soon you forgot that willing grooms were at home.



My repentant bride

Dressed in rags and shades of black.

You took a rain check and missed your ride to destiny.

But your garments of shame have been washed

And the world eagerly awaits your unveiling.

It’s time to become that virtuous woman.

And let the fruits of your abuse; your 36 daughters

Be courted by merchants of peace and forgiveness

Let your mistakes be only a part of their history.

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Faya on Naija!

Credits :

makeup @morewamakeup

photography @femimicheal

Model @oliviasandra22



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