When the Serpents Come for Me – My Battle with Low Self esteem By Energie August 2, 2019 The next time you are tempted to use words to tear down and injure a person’s self esteem, remember that your words have power and they never die.
Love Thyself: 5 Ways to Powerfully Tackle Low Self-Esteem By Energie June 22, 2018 She stood before the mirror and immediately looked away because she could hardly bear to look at the image…
Believe in Your Self(ie) By Energie April 23, 2018 You will only be as much value to others as you have been to yourself… I was about to…
The Side Chick Syndrome: How Valuable are You Without a Relationship? By Energie April 19, 2018 The side effects of being a side chick far outweigh the benefits…but the ball is on your side of…